The Marisol Rivas Foundation

    Working to improve the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves is both humbling and highly gratifying. Humbling, because we know the Foundation depends upon generous donors who contribute to our outreach and medical missions. Missions that allow us to provide support and services to the most underserved and neediest communities.

    With continued support from donors like you, we can make a significant difference in the lives of women impacted by breast cancer and families experiencing domestic violence.

    We provide bras and external breast prostheses to women who are suffering the trauma of their mastectomies and its psychological effects. Delivering mastectomy supplies and fitting services to these impoverished communities, with your financial support, allows women to reenter society with a newfound sense of self-esteem.

    The Marisol Rivas Foundation also provides support and resources to women and families impacted by domestic violence. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency reported that “violence against women is a ‘chronic’ problem.” The Foundation’s efforts are aimed at connecting victims of domestic violence with services and resources not easily found or accessible in their community.


      Behind The Marisol Rivas Foundation

      The Marisol Rivas isn’t a one-person base foundation, it belongs to all of us as a community.

      At The Marisol Rivas Foundation we believe in collaboration between other organizations and humanitarians that go beyond this commitment to bringing hope.

      The Marisol Rivas Foundation's teams have very special members that are devoted and believe in the cause.

      “Daryl M Davis, Krystal Feliz, Miguelina Henriquez Pilarte, and Vivían Garcia, thank you for guiding and inspiring me and showing me that together we are better, thank you for going through this journey together.”


          "I invite you to join this path, this mission that is just beginning, there is a lot of work to do and many lives to change and for that to be possible, we need your help. With your contribution we will be able to provide External Breast Prostheses and special Mastectomy Pocket Bras to women survivors of Breast Cancer." Your contribution will also enable us to educate women survivors of the scourge of Domestic Violence. 

      Making a donation is one way to have a helping hand. Are you willing to help? Every penny counts.


           You can make your donation here ⬇




      Faith Fitter is a Certified Mastectomy Fitter

      Our Fitters are ABC Certified Fitter-mastectomy. This means they are health care professional who are specifically educated and trained in the provision of breast prostheses and post-mastectomy services. ABC's Fitter-mastectomy Scope Certified of Practice document details the specific capacity the certified individual can practice. This includes patient assessment, formulation of a treatment plan, implementation of the treatment plan.
      Learn more

      Faith Fitter is ACHC Accredited

      Accreditation refers to the official review process that allows organizations such as Faith Fitter LLC to demonstrate their ability to meet official regulatory requirements and standards. Requirements differ per accreditation organization, but the intent remains the same. Faith Fitter meets Medicare standards and fulfills its commitment for excellence.

      Faith Fitter meets CMS DMEPOS standards

      DMEPOS = Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies
      CMS = Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

      This list is an abbreviated version of the application certification standards, that every Medicare DMEPOS supplier must meet in order to obtain and retain their billing privileges. These standards, in their entirety, are listed in 42 C.F.R. pt. 424, sec 424.57(c) and are effective on December 11, 2000. A supplier must disclose these standards to all customers/patients who are Medicare beneficiaries (standard 16).